Checking out his loot...
(notice everyone else is still egg hunting)
Buddy Jackson!
Posing with Momma and Ava :)
Posted by The Hobby's at 9:49 PM 0 comments
T-Ball was so much fun for Cullen this year! At the end of the season, he got his first trophy (along with all of his other teammates) and he was so proud. It still sits on the mantle :)
Posted by The Hobby's at 9:33 PM 0 comments
They absolutely loved hanging out at the pool and loved spending vacation with cousin Evie :)
Posted by The Hobby's at 9:56 PM 0 comments
October 3, 2010
Posted by The Hobby's at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Cullen really wanted a pirate party for his fourth birthday! We had a very special day but oh the pains of an August birthday...It was H-O-T!!!!!! We had pirate decorations...
Posted by The Hobby's at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Yes...It's true...I actually did turn 30. I never really imagined even turning 30 because I have always thought of myself in my 20s. 30 was never even a thought. I really did not want a large event for the depressing occasion but any occasion is nice to me if it is spent with my family!
Posted by The Hobby's at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Grayson has officially found his....Belly Button! It is the funniest thing. He tries to pull up his big belly to try and look at it but his tummy is so big that he certainly can't see it. He will literally try a million times to see his belly button and he never gives up. It is hilarious! He will eventually trade off looking at it by putting his finger in it. Last night the boys enjoyed taking turns pushing each other's belly buttons and laughing hysterically! Fun times. No picture, just a a memory.
Posted by The Hobby's at 8:23 PM 0 comments