Yes...It's true...I actually did turn 30. I never really imagined even turning 30 because I have always thought of myself in my 20s. 30 was never even a thought. I really did not want a large event for the depressing occasion but any occasion is nice to me if it is spent with my family!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Mommy Turns 30! Yuck!
Posted by The Hobby's at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Belly Buttons
Grayson has officially found his....Belly Button! It is the funniest thing. He tries to pull up his big belly to try and look at it but his tummy is so big that he certainly can't see it. He will literally try a million times to see his belly button and he never gives up. It is hilarious! He will eventually trade off looking at it by putting his finger in it. Last night the boys enjoyed taking turns pushing each other's belly buttons and laughing hysterically! Fun times. No picture, just a a memory.
Posted by The Hobby's at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Destin in September '09
Remember...still back blogging...
We had a fabulous trip to Destin in September. So much fun and the boys loved it. We rented a beautiful home less than 100 feet from the beach. My parents, me, Cliff, Cullen, Grayson, my grandparents, Uncle Henry, Aunt Vicky, and cousins Abbie and Jason were there. The house was busy but in my opinion, "The More the Merrier"!
Posted by The Hobby's at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
No picture...but had to tell this. Cullen bit my cheek tonight and said that he needed to take a bite of me. Then he said, "Momma...your delicious!" I totally wasn't expecting that but it was super cute. Today we went to story time at Barnes and Noble. They did fine but Cullen kept staring out the window into the mall and hollering, "I want to go out there!" Of course he was pointing to the candy machines and the ride ons that you have to put all of your money in. Wow, such a money pit! But after two rounds of skittles he was all set. Grayson had a great time attempting to walk from book shelf to book shelf and harassing Cullen by trying to take things away from him. Entertaining to say the least. He also absolutely HATES the stroller. It is my mission for him to conquer this "dislike" so it did not bother me that people stared at me like I was a hateful mother as he screamed through the mall. I have realized that the second time around things are so much easier...I don't get all bent out of shape like with Number 1. I would have never let Cullen cry in the stroller. Live and Learn! We did have a great time though and loved this sunshiney and beautiful day!
Posted by The Hobby's at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Back Blogging...I just don't have the time it seems
I was able to grab a small hug from my love bug during the party!
Cullen's cake was pretty full by the time he and his daddy got finished with it.
Later that night, Cullen was able to dig in and eat some of his cake.
Posted by The Hobby's at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day 2010
We have had a lovely day so far! It has been a candy full weekend. Cullen and Grayson have both had parties at school and we have gotten treats this weekend as well. Cullen got a new swamp "Diego" and Grayson got a new shape sorter. Needless to say, they both took a back seat to treats which don't come around too often at our house.
The boys also finished off the day with a crazy round of rough play on the couch. At this point I don't know if the couch cushions will ever get back on. But one day I will look back and they will be all grown up and I will be longing for the crazy-fun-precious times we are in right now. I want time to freeze so we can enjoy every minute of this wonderful life!
Posted by The Hobby's at 7:55 PM 0 comments