No picture...but had to tell this. Cullen bit my cheek tonight and said that he needed to take a bite of me. Then he said, "Momma...your delicious!" I totally wasn't expecting that but it was super cute. Today we went to story time at Barnes and Noble. They did fine but Cullen kept staring out the window into the mall and hollering, "I want to go out there!" Of course he was pointing to the candy machines and the ride ons that you have to put all of your money in. Wow, such a money pit! But after two rounds of skittles he was all set. Grayson had a great time attempting to walk from book shelf to book shelf and harassing Cullen by trying to take things away from him. Entertaining to say the least. He also absolutely HATES the stroller. It is my mission for him to conquer this "dislike" so it did not bother me that people stared at me like I was a hateful mother as he screamed through the mall. I have realized that the second time around things are so much easier...I don't get all bent out of shape like with Number 1. I would have never let Cullen cry in the stroller. Live and Learn! We did have a great time though and loved this sunshiney and beautiful day!
Dodgers and another home game
5 months ago
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